Subterranean Disposition     

Hypnotic Dirge Productions

Australia, the land of majestic landscapes and brutal heat has a disproportionally large amount of doom, and doom death bands filling the earth with their songs of misery and desolation.  Subterranean Disposition count themselves among that legion.  With Between Apes And Angels the album starts slowly with samples and sparse instrumentation, an animalistic isolation fills the air.  Stony riffs rise against the acoustic guitar and the sparseness reminds me a little of Tiamat's Wildhoney.  That is until sorrowful melodies flow in effortlessly and deathly vocals add a layer of grim hopelessness to the song.  There are references to early My Dying Bride and Anathema that drift in as the song progresses.   Seven Sisters Of Sleep broods and is brimming with introspective desolation.  The guitars echo with crushing despair as they lethargically weave between massive lumbering riffs and melancholic melodies.  The song collapses into a period of cold stillness painted by a minimalist beat and a barren guitar, but an imposing wall of near-industrial hammering drums and distorted vocals confronts your expectations.  Doomy riffs and a myriad of vocal approaches are on display as The Most Subtle Of Storms grows, and breathes.  A power metal melody surprisingly sprouts from the fabric of the song.  At the 6:48 mark a solitary saxophone and a tapping woodblock imbue the song with a nocturnal nostalgia which is subsumed by proggy progressions.  Wailing My Keen closes out the album and is my favorite track.  It has a jazzy subtext felt from its opening moments but they soon dissipate.  Clear guitar with an airy, yet somber aura fills my speakers as well as my heart.  Spacey guitar oddities creep in from the darkness before an avalanche of crushing riffs collapses in on me.  The clean vocals are strained, yet remain as emotionless as the deathly vocals.  The normal singing and female vocals inject emotion, but pale in comparison to the emotional depth of the guitars.  Subterranean Disposition's debut album is an adventurous odyssey through varying degrees of doom death.  They take more chances than most of their peers, a move that receives high marks from me.